Text Neck




According to a study lead by Hojun Yeom, “every 2.5 cm the head moves forward, it gains 0.45 kg in weight” this can have serious implication on bodily function as vital lung capacity can be reduced up to 30%.

Many reports of cervical and upper thoracic spinal diseases– specifically forward head posture (FHP), have been increasing within younger generations. Text Neck phenomenon has been traced to upper spinal column abnormalities from incorrect posture when using mobile devices and tablets. Shockingly, recent studies from The Chiropractors’ Association found that “[a] quarter of the patients in the group aged 5-10 were diagnosed with FHP… the number increased three times in the group aged 11-16”. Usually FHP is triggered by stiffness in the frontal neck muscles. As the muscles contract, a postural imbalance is triggered which, dragging the neck forward. Hojun Yeom used vector-based methods to analyze the deformities in patients posture and accurately diagnosis them with FHP. He combined each vector until he was able to obtain a 3D view of the patient’s deformity. 


How to Correct Text Neck:  

  • Stretching Tight Muscles: This helps return the head to a neutral position.
  • Back and Neck Exercises
  •  This cervical neck stretch is great for reducing the strain on your neck muscles. Hold for 30 seconds on each side. This stretch is best preformed right after a hot shower when the muscles are more malleable from the heat.

  • Chin tucks: tuck your chin to your chest (flexion), look up to the ceiling (extension), bend your ear to your shoulder, both sides (lateral flexion), turn your chin to your shoulder, both sides (rotation).  Hold for 5-10 seconds but refrain from any forced motion.
  • Cervical Roll:  Roll up a small hand towel length-wise, you can use a rubber band or duct tape around it to keep it rolled tight. Now on a flat surface, while lying on your back put the roll at the base of your neck so your neck naturally curves around it. Do not put it under your head. If your head is propped up move the roll lower down your spine. Relax and rest on the cervical roll for 15-30 minutes/day.
  • Changing Positions: This helps re-educate the muscle to a more dynamic position.

More exercises

Link to study


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