The Best way to deal with Shoulder Pain, explained by top Santa Clara Chiropractor.

Shoulder Exercises:

  1. Doorway Exercise


With your arms against a wall and your hands in line with your ears, slowly lean into a wall and push your hands up. Repeat 5 times.

    2. Back Pull Stretch

Find a towel or something else with a similar stretch. Placing one hand behind you at the small of your back, grasp one end of the towel. Using your other hand, grasp the opposite end of the towel and pull up towards the ceiling. Repeat 5 times. 

Shoulder Stretches:

Our top Santa Clara Chiropractors recommend stretching your shoulders to decrease pain and improve your shoulder flexibility. 

  1. Chest Stretch 
    • Being seated at a desk all day shortens the muscles in the chest. This can cause shoulder pain due to tight pectoralis muscles pulling the shoulder forward. Grasp your hands behind your back and move them out behind you as far as possible.


       2. Lateral Neck Stretch 

    • A common complaint of patients is having tight muscles in the sides of their neck. Take your head over to the side and apply further pressure using the hand, as shown, to increase the stretch. 

       3. Rotation Neck Stretch 

    • Seated postures are often limited, and require you to look at a screen for most of the day. This straight forward posture isn’t healthy for the neck for long periods of time. Gently stretch by looking over your right shoulder, holding for 10 seconds, and then looking over your left shoulder for 10 seconds. 

        4. SCM Stretch

    • The SCM (sternocleidomastoid) is an important and large muscle at the front of each side of the neck. This muscle can become tight with a forward head position. Stretching your SCM can reduce shoulder pain. Stretch this muscle by looking over your right shoulder, and then tilting your head back. Repeat on the other side. 

       5. Posterior Neck Stretch

    • The muscles at the back of the neck commonly feel tight as they overwork to hold the head upright. This can further lead to shoulder pain. Tuck your chin in and tilt the head down towards the chest. Use one of your hands to apply gentle pressure to the head, if necessary. 

       6. Upper Back Stretch

    • The rhomboid and posterior shoulder muscles can feel tight in office workers, causing shoulder pain. Stretch by bringing one arm across your body, keeping the shoulder depressed and pulling it with the other arm. 


Custom Chiropractor
(408) 248-8700
3700 Thomas Rd. Suite 207
Santa Clara, CA 95054

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